• Book­ings made for the Low season period 

We require a credit card to guar­an­tee the reser­va­tion at the time of the book­ing. your card will be used to secure your booking and will only be charged in case of late cancellation or no-show unless you use the non-refundable rate on that case the payment will be taken in full at the time of the booking, please check our cancellation policy.

  • Book­ings made for the High season period 

There is a minimum stay requirement of  4( four ) weeks for some of the apartment types at all our properties please check with our  Reservations team for a list of the apartments and their minimum stay requirements. We require a one-week non-refundable deposit at the time of booking and full pre-payment of the remaining balance 30 days before arrival.  In the event of non-payment, the reservation will be automatically canceled and the apartment released.

  • Book­ings of 30 to 60 nights stay

We require a one-week non-refundable deposit at the time of book­ing.  The remain­ing bal­ance is payable at Check-in.

  • Book­ings of 60 nights stay and over
    We will require a one-week non-refundable deposit at the time of the book­ing, 2 months of accommodation rental prior to arrival, or at the check-in date. The remain­ing bal­ance can be payable on a monthly basis 30 days in advance.
  • Group book­ings of 2 or more apart­ment units
    We will require a 30% non-refundable deposit of the total accommodation rental at the time of the booking.


We accept pay­ments by Cash, Credit or Debit cards, and Bank Trans­fer. We require full accommodation rental payment at the time of check-in on bookings made for the Low season unless you’ve chosen a non-refundable rate which is payable at the time of booking. For bookings made for the high season period, we require a one-week non-refundable deposit at the time of booking and full pre-payment of the remaining balance  30 days prior to the arrival date.  In the event of non-payment, the reservation will be automatically canceled and the apartment released.

Notes:  The prop­erty reserves the right to pre-authorize credit cards prior to arrival. And you must present the same credit card used for payment at the check-in.


  • For book­ings made for the Low season period  with the flexible rate

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 14 days prior to arrival. For book­ings can­celled less than 14 days prior to arrival, you will be liable for the full cost of the stay, unless the apart­ment can be re-let.  Once you have Checked-in you must give 14 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or 100% charges will apply.

  • For book­ings made for the Low season period between 1 with the non-refundable rate

No amendments or cancelations allowed

  • For book­ings made for the High season period 

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days prior to arrival date and sub­ject to re-letting on short notice. For book­ings can­celled less than 30 days prior to arrival, you will be liable for the full cost of the stay unless the apart­ment can be re-let.

*** Please note, that the one week paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.

  • Book­ings of 30 nights and over

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days prior to arrival date and sub­ject to re-letting on short notice. For book­ings can­celled less than 30 days prior to arrival, you will be liable for the full cost of the stay unless the apart­ment can be re-let.

Once you have Checked-in 30 days’ notice must be given if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or the same pol­icy will apply. Please note, that the one-week rental paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.

  • Group book­ings of 2 or more apart­ment units

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 30 days prior to arrival. Once you have Checked-in, you must give 30 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or the same pol­icy will apply. Please note, that the one week paid at the time of the booking is non-refundable.


Flexible rates

Your card will be used to secure your booking and will only be charged in case of late cancellation or no-show. We reserve the right to pre-authorize your card 14 days before your arrival.

Noti­fi­ca­tion of can­cel­la­tion is required 14 days prior to arrival. For book­ings can­celled less than 14 days prior to arrival, you will be liable for the full cost of the stay, unless the apart­ment can be re-let.  Once you have Checked-in you must give 14 days’ notice if a reduc­tion on your stay is required, or 100% charges will apply.

  • Non- Refundable Rates

Your card will be charged at the time of booking. The reservation is non-cancellable and does not allow any changes/ amendments and no refund will be offered for cancellations, no-shows, and early departures.



  • Check-in time is from 15:00
  • Check-Out time is by 11:00


  • Late Check-Out
    Late Check-out is sub­ject to avail­abil­ity, and extra charges may apply. Please check with Recep­tion on the day of departure.
  • Late Check-Out charges

From 12:00 to 15:00 — 50% of the daily rate you are pay­ing
After 15:00pm 100% of the daily rate you are paying



All our prop­er­ties have a no-smoking pol­icy in line with UK leg­is­la­tion. This pol­icy cov­ers the burning/smoking of all sub­stances in our apart­ments, includ­ing incense. The prop­erty reserves the right to charge a penalty for non-compliance.



At Check-in you will be asked for a secu­rity deposit to cover any inci­den­tal break­ages or dam­ages that may occur dur­ing the occu­pa­tion. The secu­rity deposit is usu­ally an autho­riza­tion on the guest credit card, and this autho­ri­sa­tion will be can­celled fol­low­ing set­tle­ment of any out­stand­ing bal­ance on your bill at Check-out and if no inci­den­tal expenses have been incurred.

An autho­ri­sa­tion is NOT DEBITED from the cardholder’s account. The amount is held on your credit card and released at check out.


Security Deposits required  at our properties are as follows  :

  • Chesham Court- Studio and One bedroom apartment – £ 300.00, Two Bedroom £500.00, and Three Bedrooms Penthouse £1’500.00




At check-in, you will be asked to fill out and sign the registration card and provide proof of identification with a photo (passport or UK – ID/driving license).  A sig­na­ture on the Reg­is­tra­tion Card indi­cates accep­tance of our Terms and Con­di­tions for the occu­pa­tion of an apart­ment at our prop­erty. Copies are avail­able to view at Recep­tion and in your apart­ment.  Please can we draw your atten­tion to the fol­low­ing addi­tional points:


The apartment’s keys must be returned to reception on at check out and charges may apply for lost keys.


All VISITORS must report to Recep­tion at the time of the visit. Due to Health and Safety Fire Reg­u­la­tions, all NON-RESIDENT guests can­not stay beyond MIDNIGHT.   Only the num­ber of per­sons reg­is­tered at the time of Check-in may occupy the apart­ment. Under no cir­cum­stances is mul­ti­ple occu­pancy allowed. No ani­mals are to be brought into the apart­ment at any time.


We reserve the right to ter­mi­nate your use and occu­pa­tion of your apart­ment imme­di­ately in the event of:
a. Non-pay­ment of any monies due
b. Over­crowd­ing for any type of or sort of gath­er­ing
c. Unrea­son­able noise or behav­iour (which the man­age­ment reserve the right to deter­mine)
d. Unau­tho­rised par­ties or gath­er­ings in the apartment


We pro­vide accom­mo­da­tion for pri­vate res­i­den­tial use only and in a rea­son­able man­ner.  We only allow the accom­mo­da­tion to be occu­pied by the num­ber of per­sons con­firmed at the time of book­ing.  Oper­a­tion of any form of busi­ness from the accom­mo­da­tion or use of it for any ille­gal or immoral pur­pose will require you to vacate the accom­mo­da­tion imme­di­ately.  We have a zero tol­er­ance pol­icy towards behav­iour that is abu­sive, threat­en­ing or vio­lent towards our staff, our con­trac­tors or other guests.  If you or any of your party or any­one that you autho­rise to occupy the accom­mo­da­tion behaves in this man­ner, we will ter­mi­nate your right to occupy the accom­mo­da­tion imme­di­ately, and we may report the mat­ter to the police.


We fol­low a no smok­ing pol­icy in all premises and in all the apart­ments.  Smok­ers who ignore this restric­tion can be fined up to £ 500 to cover the cost of an out­side steam clean­ing com­pany to clean the entire apart­ment. Plus any income lost due to the apart­ment becom­ing unavail­able for occu­pa­tion by a new guest booking.


An exten­sion of your stay depends on avail­abil­ity and is at the dis­cre­tion of the management.

The man­age­ment reserves the right to move you to another apart­ment of at least as good a stan­dard within the build­ing, if nec­es­sary. We will how­ever always attempt to avoid such moves.


Internet usage is complimentary to all our guests. Please be aware that the man­age­ment can­not be held respon­si­ble for any vis­its to unau­tho­rized, restricted, or ille­gal sites. The user is liable and enters those sites entirely at their own risk.


The property reserves the right to charge for dam­age or loss caused by you to the apart­ment or its con­tents.  Com­pen­sa­tion will be demanded to cover the rea­son­able cost of repair or replace­ment, plus any income lost due to the apart­ment becom­ing unfit for occu­pa­tion by new res­i­dents.


We wish you to treat your apart­ment as your home, but ask you to respect the rights of other guests to peace­ful enjoy­ment of their apart­ment. Par­ties and loud music are not allowed (which the man­age­ment reserve the right to deter­mine). Fail­ure to com­ply will result in guests being asked to leave immediately.


The property can­not be held respon­si­ble for the ram­i­fi­ca­tions against com­pa­nies or estab­lish­ments rec­om­mended by us,  such as Dry Cleaners/ Cars or Taxi Companies/ Restaurants.


The prop­erty offers a safe in your apartment, and we cannot be held respon­si­ble for any loss or dam­age to valu­ables left unat­tended in the apartment.


When vacat­ing the accom­mo­da­tion, you must leave the accom­mo­da­tion in the same con­di­tion as it was at the begin­ning of your stay, sub­ject to fair wear and tear. Where the accom­mo­da­tion or any item is not left in the con­di­tion required, you must pay us any costs which we incur in clean­ing, repair, or replacement.